Lenovo Y550P 324156U has no similarity from the known mini computers of this producer. Absolutely original Lenovo Y550P 324156U is clearly operational Laptop.
Its heavy component configuration provides ample issues along with many-sided facility. This Laptop is furnished with 1.6GHz Intel Core i7-720QM Processor for high end program execution. The price rank between computer variety's is important. You can use particular software for Lenovo Laptop fan control.
Lenovo Y550P 324156U is fitted with 4GB 204-Pin DDR3 SO-DIMM RAM for fast running of programs. RAM chip or the amount of internal RAM on your Laptop electronic engine is very critical if you want to handle heavy graphic files or want to play games on your Laptop.
Laptop has a HDD for bulk storage of data. In the Laptop is placed the next feature: 500GB SATA 5400RPM Hard Drive, DVDRW Optical Drive. Lenovo Laptop HDDs are special computer OEM component that store your data. Hard disk drive is very constitutive and critical computer accessory. Lenovo Laptop hard disk drive consistently outperform what is expected of them.
Lenovo Y550P 324156U also has a video drive component. External DVD burning optical drive are also available for You. They are also CE Certified.
Lenovo Y550P 324156U dainty Laptop has a 15.6" Widescreen LED Backlit Display which gives expanded view while show films or playing video games. The image and screen has a high end brightness rank. A matte LCD image and display has an anti-glare coating. Lenovo Y550P 324156U covers are perfect. You can remove covers easy.
Preinstalled operating system for Lenovo Y550P 324156U is: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
EAN number for this model is 0884942571657 by specification. The selling value for this electronic gear model is approximately $1,149.99.
Source : [http://lookness.com/129/Lenovo_Y550P_324156U_overview]
Its heavy component configuration provides ample issues along with many-sided facility. This Laptop is furnished with 1.6GHz Intel Core i7-720QM Processor for high end program execution. The price rank between computer variety's is important. You can use particular software for Lenovo Laptop fan control.
Lenovo Y550P 324156U is fitted with 4GB 204-Pin DDR3 SO-DIMM RAM for fast running of programs. RAM chip or the amount of internal RAM on your Laptop electronic engine is very critical if you want to handle heavy graphic files or want to play games on your Laptop.
Laptop has a HDD for bulk storage of data. In the Laptop is placed the next feature: 500GB SATA 5400RPM Hard Drive, DVDRW Optical Drive. Lenovo Laptop HDDs are special computer OEM component that store your data. Hard disk drive is very constitutive and critical computer accessory. Lenovo Laptop hard disk drive consistently outperform what is expected of them.
Lenovo Y550P 324156U also has a video drive component. External DVD burning optical drive are also available for You. They are also CE Certified.
Lenovo Y550P 324156U dainty Laptop has a 15.6" Widescreen LED Backlit Display which gives expanded view while show films or playing video games. The image and screen has a high end brightness rank. A matte LCD image and display has an anti-glare coating. Lenovo Y550P 324156U covers are perfect. You can remove covers easy.
Preinstalled operating system for Lenovo Y550P 324156U is: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
EAN number for this model is 0884942571657 by specification. The selling value for this electronic gear model is approximately $1,149.99.
Source : [http://lookness.com/129/Lenovo_Y550P_324156U_overview]